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How to earn money from internet freely

Author: Amadeus Date of post: 30.06.2017

By Rakesh Kochhar 11 comments. How did we get to that number? In October, the U. The difference is not large, but what gives? One reason is that our study estimates the gender gap in hourly earnings while the government estimates the gap in weekly earnings.

We chose to use hourly earnings, estimated as usual weekly earnings divided by usual hours worked in a week, because it irons out differences in earnings due to differences in hours worked.

Naturally, that has a significant impact on the relative earnings of women and men if one looks at weekly earnings. Restricting the estimate of the gender pay gap to full-time workers is not without limitations. For one, it leaves out a significant share of women and men when calculating the gender pay gap, namely those who work part-time.

Moreover, just looking at full-time workers does not eliminate the difference in hours worked. The BLS, of course, is aware of these limits and it reports several other measures of the gender pay gap—for workers paid by the hour, for part-time workers, and for workers grouped by the number of hours worked in a week. The reasons why women who work fewer hours earn more than men are complex, but a contributing factor is that women who work part-time are older than men who work part-time.

In the intervening years, the two estimates trend together very closely. The two measures offer different perspectives, and, like many other things, the choice is with the beholder. Those wishing to focus on specific segments of the labor market may prefer the several different estimates broken down by the BLS. Those wanting to focus on the overall figure for working women and men may prefer our more encompassing approach, which uses hourly earnings.

What explains this gap in the earnings of women and men? Some of it is due to differences in the types of jobs occupations women and men do and some of it is due to the effects of parenthood on women and men. Research also suggests that women may not negotiate for higher wages as aggressively as men or they may be more likely to trade off higher wages for other amenitiessuch as flexible work hours.

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Other pieces of the puzzle—attributes employers value but that are not captured in available data or the presence of discrimination—are more difficult to quantify. GenderWork and Employment. Rakesh Kochhar is an associate director of research at Pew Research Center.

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I have no confidence in either methodology. Men make sacrifices of family time in order to support their families and typically do the more physical or dangerous jobs to earn more money you seldom see women in those jobs, so that is going to distort the data.

Doing the same work on the same patients sometimes in the same day. Education and experience level is also the same. This is worse PEW article ever written.

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Spreading the misinformation about the pay gap and then at the end saying — well, maybe it has something to do with career choice.

Why is this article called How Pew Research measured the gender pay gap? Due to the differences in job type preferences, how different best places to make money in everquest types alpine at home based business ideas for moms paid, personal choices in benefits alternative to pay etc is there expected to be a lasting difference in stock broker secrets due to those choices?

It is a sad situation because those who are in power do not feel for it. Yes, in most of the jobs where less physical efforts are required men and women are same.

In India women are also working as labour plus looking after their family still get less paid. It is criminal to make such distinction.

Worst is you will make effort but will not be able to create public opinion. Some are influenced by their religion or by so called social values. The society which makes such distinction in the long run dies as is happening in the west.

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Education can change all that. The governments will have to act even at the risk of losing election or governments. I read eminent personalities giving statistics wast of time we all know that just make an action global stock market capitalization by country. First bring them on equal terms then one will decide what will be the social structure.

In India ,before Muslim invasion, there used to be a system. Then India was developed and had so many great people but now we have people with lower capabilities,hence underdeveloped. Forget that even there is distinction of pay between Europeans and Indians in Middle East for men. We are still going by the colour of the skin knowing very well that all have originated from Africa.

Can you explain why jobs done difference between iso and nonstatutory stock options by women are valued less than those done by men? So why should what is vesting stock options be so poorly paid on average?

Caring jobs are typically better jobs than men jobs such as garbage man.

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Because the user actually sees you and thanks you. This is why more people want to work in these jobs. Supply and demand creates the wage gap between these 2 jobs.

Those caring jobs require a higher degree and education. So no there are far less individuals who qualify for jobs like nurse, teacher, social worker than jobs such as garbage man.

The percentage of people who get a degree in nursing or teaching is even less than that. And trust me cleaning up raw human mess is not better than picking up bags with the help of heavy machines.

Neither is interacting with sick or disturbed people. There are other difficult to quantify factors that skew the numbers such as our neuro-biology. Women have much more white matter and a thicker corpus collosum allowing for more communication between the two hemispheres martingale system forex excel the brain allowing for multi-tasking to be much easier and as such most multi-tasking jobs are how to earn money from internet freely by women.

On the other hand men have more grey matter and a larger area in the brain for hand to eye global stock market capitalization by country. This allows men to focus very well on one thing intensely and deeply which is why a high percentage of the worlds experts are men, single minded focus, its also the reason why men are better at calculation things like size, speed, trajectory hence why most racing car drivers are men disproportionate to the percentage of men and women that take an interest in cars and competitive driving.

Perhaps the brain has adapted to social conditioning? Further, if women are biologically drawn to caregiving industries, then it must also be noted that these industries are not valued by society. What is it about male-dominated industries that are inherently more valuable? Men and women have different inclinations toward particular careers due to different interests.

The problem with this concept is that there is no logical justification for a priori cause. The alternative social construction is faced again with the burden of proof to the latter question. If social construction is true then biological differences due not exist since these two standpoints contradict each other law of non-contradiction. Seeing how brains, hormone levels and a plethora of other factors differ between men and women biological differencesit follows logically and necessarily that biological differences are the primary causes for men choosing STEM careers and women choosing relational careers.

Social constructions cannot undue what is inherently biologicallyhard-wired into both sexes. Also, to suggest that conditioning can deviate choices, is to imply that people are not free agents free will.

Even if someone were conditioned to particular preferences, it would still be a matter of choice. The difference between biological differences is that people have an inclination toward certain things and they can choose or reject them freely.

Social conditioning would imply the opposite; like a machine or robot, inputs would produce outputs which lie beyond individual conscientious choice. While males due occupy the majority of these industries, that is not the reason they are valued more. This is simply a category mistake.

How Pew Research measured the gender pay gap | Pew Research Center

Men do not give these jobs merit or value, these industries, in their own merit do. Engineering fields, for example are formidable and reputable in their own right.

The same logic would imply that wherever males dominate an industry, then that is more valued what if men did the social work? Would that fact alone ascribe more value simply because men occupy it? About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world.

It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World About Follow Us. Publications Topics Data Methods Interactives Fact Tank Experts. Fact Tank - Our Lives in Numbers. Which is the preferred basis for the gender pay gap—weekly earnings or hourly earnings?

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GenderWork and Employment Share the link: Posts Email Bio rakeshkochhar. Where is the information? About Fact Tank Real-time analysis and news about data from Pew Research writers and social scientists.

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